Invitation to China-Europe Relations Conference

Date: 2 October 2017
Time: 10:00 - 16:00
Event: China-Europe Relations Conference
Location: Courtroom, Oude Boteringestraat 38(building 1124, room 0023), Groningen
We kindly ask you to register here before Friday, September 29, 2017.
Preliminary Program:
10:00-10:10 Opening speech by Dr. LIU Jingyi, Chinese Director Groningen Confucius Institute, Chair of morning session
10:10-10:40 Keynote speech by Prof. Dr. XIN Hua, Deputy Director Center for EU Studies of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU); trustee and Director of Academic Research of Shanghai Institute for European Studies (SIES)
Topic: China's Economic Relations with Europe against the Background of the "One Belt One
Road" Initiative
10:40-11:00 Dr. Mohammadbagher Forough, Department of International Relations, Leiden University; Research Associate of The Clingendael Institute
Topic: China’s Belt and Road: The Dilemma of Intervention
11:00-11:30 Keynote speech by Prof. Dr. LIU Hongsong, Deputy Dean School of International Relations and Public Affairs of SISU
Topic: Possible Cooperation between China and Europe in Global Governance
11:30-11:50 Dr. Sanne Kamerling, Department of International Relations and International Organization (IRIO), University of Groningen
Topic: China's evolving security identity
11:50-12:00 Discussion
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon session, chaired by Prof. Dr. Jan van der Harst, Academic Director CEASG, Department IRIO, University of Groningen
13:00-13:20 Dr. Frank Gaenssmantel, Department IRIO, University of Groningen
Topic: China-EU Economic Disputes – Towards a Structured Analysis
13:20-14:05 Panel discussion: China-EU Trade and Investment Relations against the Backdrop of EU's New Trade Policy
• Prof. Dr. XIN Hua
• Mr. JIN Weihuang, Deputy General Manager, ICBC (Europe) Amsterdam Branch
• Mr. WU Jia, Representative of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT Guangdong) in the Netherlands
• Mr. LIU Jiacheng, Research Fellow Center for EU Studies of SISU
14:05-14:50 Panel discussion: China-Europe Educational and Cultural Exchanges
• Prof. Dr. CAO Deming, former President SISU; Director Center for EU Studies of SISU; President of the Chinese Association of French Professors; Vice President of SIES
• Prof. Dr. WANG Zhiqiang, doctorate tutor German Department and senior Research Fellow Center for EU Studies of SISU
• Jan-Peter Wissink. Managing Director at Amsterdam University Press (TBC)
• Mrs. CAO Xuefei, Director of Groningen Confucius Institute
14:50-15:00 Closing speech by Prof. Dr. Jan van der Harst
15:00-16:00 Social drinks
About the speakers:

Prof. Dr. XIN Hua is deputy director and research professor of the Center for EU Studies at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU). He is also trustee and director of academic research of Shanghai Institute for European Studies (SIES), non-resident research professor of the Center for National Strategic Studies at Shanghai Jiaotong University, councilor of the Shanghai Council for Asia-Pacific Economy, and guest professor of the International Center for Chinese Studies, Aichi University, Japan. He has won several Shanghai-level academic prizes and regularly provides policy analysis reports for Chinese think tanks. He received a Ph.D. of international relations from Fudan University. His research interests include: comparative study on European and Chinese think tanks and interest groups, comparative study of EU’s policy towards China and Japan, foreign and economic policy issues in the China-U.S.-EU relations. His most recent publications include: “Chinese Think Tanks’ Influence on Foreign Policy Making: a Case Study on the Role of CIIS and SIIS in the Making of China’s Policy towards the Europe” (Routledge, 2016), “the Inherent Mechanism of the EU’s Current Strategic Parallel Negotiations with Japan” (Contemporary International Relations, 2015 (09)), “EU Policy Community’s Assessment and Response towards China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ Initiative” (the Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, 2015 (02)).

Dr. Mohammadbagher Forough is an assistant professor of International Studies at Leiden University and a research associate at Clingendael Institute. His areas of research include Chinese and Iranian foreign policy in the 21st century, with a special focus on the political geography of the Belt & Road initiative.

Prof. Dr. LIU Hongsong is professor of International Relations and deputy dean of School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Shanghai International Studies University. His research interests include: international organizations, global governance, EU foreign policy and Chinese foreign policy. His has published widely in international peer-reviewed journals and Chinese journals. He was a visiting fellow in the Centre for International Studies at London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) from September 2013 to August 2014. Also, he was a visiting fellow in the Centre for the Study of Globalization and Regionalization at University of Warwick. He received research grants from Chinese Philosophy and National Social Science Foundation, Ministry of Education of China, Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Foundation, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Shanghai Education Development Foundation, among others. In 2011, Ministry of Education of China awarded him an honor of New Century Excellent Talent in University. His recent and forthcoming publications include “Shaping the Agenda Jointly? China and the EU in the G20” (co-authored with Shaun Breslin, in Jianwei Wang and Weiqing Song, eds., China, the European Union and the International Politics of Global Governance, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016) and China’s New Role in Global Governance: Shaping the Rules (Routledge, forthcoming).

Susanne Kamerling is a researcher and lecturer at the International Relations and International Organization Department of the University of Groningen and an associate fellow at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ in the Hague, the Netherlands. She is finishing her PhD on the role-perception and role-behaviour of China and India in international security issues since the end of the Cold War. In this context she was a visiting fellow at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China from March to June 2015 and a visiting fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA) in Delhi, India from May to August 2016. She has a background in Political Science (International Relations) and Social Geography (International Development Studies) at the University of Amsterdam and l'Institut d'Etudes Sciences Politiques in Paris. Her research interest includes international relations theory, foreign and security policy of China and India in the region and beyond, security issues in Asia and EU-Asia relations.

Jan van der Harst studied history at the University of Leiden and worked as a PhD researcher at the European University Institute in Florence.
Currently he is a professor in international relations at the department of International Relations and International Organization at the University of Groningen and Academic Director of the Center for East Asian Studies Groningen. He runs EU-related programs at the Fudan University, Shanghai, and Tsinghua University, Beijing. His publications focus on Dutch foreign policy, European integration and China-EU relations.

Frank Gaenssmantel is Assistant Professor in the Department of International Relations and International Organisation at the University of Groningen. His research interests include European and Chinese foreign policies, China-EU relations, foreign policy analysis and international economic relations. He received his PhD from the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence.
About the panelists:

Having studied and worked 10 years in the UK and 3 years in China, Mr. Wu Jia has been sent to Netherlands for mission of promoting trade between Netherlands and China since 2014 by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT Guangdong). Being a native Chinese and spent his years in European countries, Mr. Wu Jia has accumulated experience in helping companies from different cultural backgrounds. By facilitating trade mission, matchmaking and relation building in the past three years on the job, he is now working together with Dutch trade and investment promotion organisations on advising Chinese companies’ starting up and development in the Netherlands and Dutch companies to do business in China.

Mr. Jin Weihuang (Thomas Jin) is the Deputy General Manager of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Europe) S.A. Amsterdam branch. He joined ICBC Limited in 1992 and has gained a substantial reputation in the international banking business through his two-decades of working experience. In October 2003, Mr. Jin was promoted to Deputy General Manager of the International Banking Department of the Guangdong Branch. This branch is renowned for its abundant and well-developed international business. In March 2010, Mr. Jin worked as the Deputy Head of the ICBC Amsterdam Branch Preparatory Group, and he has served as the Deputy General Manager since January 2011. He is a member of DOCDEX (Documentary Credit Dispute Resolution Expertise), of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Paris as well as the Trade Finance Expert Team of ICC CHINA.

Prof. Dr. CAO Deming, Professor and Doctorate Tutor of the French Department, Director of the Center for EU Studies, Shanghai International Studies University. From 1981 to 1984, he studies in France from 1981 to 1984 and got a Ph.D. in French language and literature major. Currently he is president of the Chinese Association of French Professors and vice president of the Shanghai Institute for European Studies. He was also president of the Shanghai International Studies University during 2005-2017. In March of 2015, he was awarded the title and medal of “Commandeur de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques” by the French government. His major research fields are: cultural and social studies of French-speaking countries, and European cultural policy. His major academic works include: The Series of Books of the Studies on EU Member States from a Cultural Perspective (author and chief editor), A Study on EU and Its Member States’ Relations with Africa, Lexicologie du Français Moderne, and Dictionnaire Pratique Français-Chinois.

Prof. Dr. WANG Zhiqiang, is a professor and doctorate tutor of the German Department, and senior research fellow of the Center for EU Studies, Shanghai International Studies University. He got a Ph.D. and a M.A. from the University of Bayreuth, Germany. His major research fields include: cultural and social studies of German-speaking countries, and Chinese-German cross-cultural communication studies. He teaches the courses of German Cultural History and Chinese-German Cross-Cultural Communication Studies. He already published 64 papers and 12 academic monographs, lexicon dictionaries, and textbooks. His major academic works are: Fremdheitsprofile moderner deutscher China-Reiseführer, The EU Member States from a Cultural Perspective: Germany, Deutsch-Chinesisches Wörterbuch Der Synonyme und Antonyme, and Basic Deutsch (state-authorized textbook).
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