Amsterdam Dance Event China Pavilion 2018
On 20 October 2018, as the program partner, Groningen Confucius Institute (GCI) jointly organized the annual China Pavilion of Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE), which is the world's biggest electronic music festival and conference, taking place from 17th till the 21st of October this year in 140 different venues throughout the city of Amsterdam. ADE's multiple conference tracks offer the ultimate annual business and inspiration platform in the field of electronic music, featuring dedicated programming for business professionals, start-ups, aspiring producers and musicians, students, VJs, visual artists and stage designers.

China Pavilion in Vondel CS, Amsterdam
As for the China Pavilion this year, there are two main conferences from 13:00 to 18:00 on 20 October, at VondelCS, Vondelpark, Amsterdam, providing a series of China Talks closely around the themes: Art & Culture and Green & Circular. Having many professionals and researchers both from China and The Netherlands as speakers and panelists, these two conferences welcomed a large group of audience with varied professions and walks.

Tommy Hendriks, Co-Founder of YinYang Music Festival, CEO of Crzay Lotus; Rainbow Gao, Founder and Director of YinYang Music Festival, Shanghai; Xuefei Knoester-Cao, Dutch Director of GCI; Jingyi Liu, Chinese Director of GCI, are presenting at the opening of China Talks Conference in Art & Culture.

Liangjun Da, Professor from Ecological Urbanization from East Normal University, Shanghai, Member Board of Directors of Ecological Society of China, and Director of Shanghai Key Lab for Urban Ecological Processes & Eco-restoration; Marthijn Pool, Founding Partner / Director of Space & Matter; Frank Alsema, Placemaker / Urban Catalyst / Intendant of CityLab Circulair Buiksloterham; Sven Jense, Founder & Director of Climate Cleanup, as well as the Secretary General of De Nationale Energiecommissie, are together giving an introduction about the day’s topic, how to create circular cities, for the China Talks Conference in Green and Circular, hosted by Rainbow Gao. (Danning Chai, teacher from GCI is the interpreter.)

Geert Mul, media artist in commissioned art in public space, is talking about Techno Poetry: VJ-ing and interactive artworks. He showed the way of using modern imaging techniques to vitalize those ancient Chinese landscape paintings, integrating the old Chinese content into a new framework in an expression of rebirth.

Yufang Guo, Chairman Board of Directors at Jomec Investment, Stella Aviation Limited and International Aviation Support B.V. is analyzing the significant role of cultural conflicts in the cooperation between Dutch and Chinese enterprises.

Merlijn Poolman, Nightmayor at Gemeent Groningen, also the Fellow of European Music Council, Muzi Yu, Associate at Mckinsey & Company, and Mike Enting, Trainee Business IT ABN AMRO bij Young Colfield, are sharing their reflections and inspirations on China-Dutch cross-cultural experiences, hosted by Jingyi Liu.

Ilse Vocking, Owner, Director/ Producer of JVtv, and Katja Harterink, Eindredacteur Kunst of AVROTROS, were interviewed by GCI after their talks about how Dutch TV went to China.

Rob van Haren, Professor from Hanzehogeschool Groningen in Art & Sustainability and Transition Bio-Economy, also Director of Color & Brain B.V. is focusing on circular bio-based design, showing audience the application of a plant as a functional material in new energy vehicles, realizing the transfer from the power of art to the strength of economy through the development of a country.

Borre Akkersdijk, Founder / Art Director at Byborre, is giving a speech: The Start of Something New.

Prof. Liangjun Da, is answering the questions from the audience after his presentation on Construction of Near-natural Biocenosis as Urban Living Landmark in Shanghai. He addressed that the future of Shanghai lies in changing the city’s structure to enhance biodiversity. (Danning Chai is the interpreter.)

Dr. Jinfeng Zhou, Secretary-General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, Vice Chairman of the World Green Design Organization, is delivering a speech: Plant the Smile, Protect the Wild.

Milan Meyberg, Revolution Manager of DGTL Festival, Keynote Speaker of Sustainability / Futurism, Sustainability Consultant of ZZP / Zelfstanding Ondernemer, who is the Project / Event Manager and sustainability consultant for leading international festivals, nightclubs andevent organisations with multiple awards won for pioneering projects in sustainability and circularity, joined discussion with Rainbow Gao, Tommy Hendriks, Jinfeng Zhou and Merlijn Poolman about how to link the Entertainment Industries to ecological development.
During the afternoon, GCI teachers also offered some traditional Chinese art performance and workshops.

Jingfan Xie, teacher from GCI, is playing Zither (Guzheng) for each interval break of China Talks Conference. The song is High Mountain and Running Water.

Huili Zhang and Ziqiao Zang, teachers from GCI, is giving instructions to visitors in Chinese Calligraphy.

Shang Qiao, teacher from GCI, is showing children how to draw a flower in the method of Chinese Painting.
This China Pavilion event was ended with successful fusion of East and West, as well as the Art and Circular, warm communication among the speakers and audience was seen in many moments.
The stage was followed by groups of Dutch and Chinese DJs’ gathering together. Since Amsterdam LA Rêve Community had been invited to run a stage at Shanghai eMidi Festival, they were hosting a Chinese Dream stage to show their followers what they had experienced in China. And in cooperation with Fontys Rock Academy, 12 Dutch DJ Talents were given the chance to battle for the ultimate prize: an invitation to perform at the Great Wall of China during the 2019 edition of YinYang Music Festival.

DJs from China

Dutch artists are enjoying themselves in Silent Disco.
By Danning Chai
Photos by Chang Zhao
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