GCI Webinar: The Combination Therapy of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine
Time: 15:00-16:30 November 22, 2017
Location: DS-zaal, Smitsborg, Nettelbosje 1, 9747 AJ Groningen
Presenter: Dr. Wang Mei, the founder and chairperson of The Leiden University-European Center for Chinese Medicine and Natural Compounds (LUECCM)
Western medicine and Chinese medicine developed within the context of different cultures and perspectives of the natural world. However, the two systems are not completely contradictory, but can effectively complement each other.
In this webinar, Dr. Wang Mei will present you her research and insights into the combination therapy of Chinese medicine and Western medicine and natural product synergistic combinations.
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Two types of participation:
- offline in the Smitsborg in Zernike campus in University of Groningen where you can communicate with the key note speaker in person
- or attend online wherever you are by the link we will send to you one day before the webinar. Online interactions with the experts are possible as well.
NB: Offline seats: 100; online seats: 24. First come, first served.
About the presenter:
Dr. Wang Mei is the founder and chairperson of The Leiden University-European Center for Chinese Medicine and Natural Compounds (LUECCM) and a member of expert committee representing the Netherlands at TCM working party at European Pharmacopeia EDQM for the establishment of quality standard for herbal drugs originated from China. She is the co-founder of Sino-Dutch center for Preventive and Personalized Medicine, also working as one of the team members of the Diao Pharmaceutical group (China)–SU BioMedicine (the Netherlands), whose achievements were selected as one of the top-10 innovations in China in 2012 related to the Chinese Medicine Systems Biology. In addition, she is the author of more than 145 scientific papers in books, international or national scientific journals and conference proceedings and 4 patents.

About the topic:
Western medicine and Chinese medicine developed within the context of different cultures and perspectives of the natural world. The detailed target approach of Western biomedical sciences has generated tremendous knowledge of anatomy, physiology, histology, genetics, and biochemistry, while the phenomenological approach of Chinese medicine has produced a more holistic understanding of biology. The two concepts are complementary, and combining them to optimally balance detail and context could generate a highly rewarding step forward for medicine.
Human health is based on a balance between multiple pathways/networks, curing or prevention of many diseases is effective when based on an intervention strategy that is synergistic multi-component. New research directions in medicine will be focused on designing combination therapies or are based on natural product synergistic combinations. The LU-European Center for Chinese Medicine and Natural Compounds (LUECCM) is a research Centre bringing together research projects of many different researchers from different origin. The LUECCM is working on discovery and understanding of the synergistic and opposing active principles of Chinese herbal medicine and natural compounds by combining scientific technology and novel biological insights.
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