GCI Webinar: How to Do Business in China: Cultural Difference Between East and West in Business Practice
Time: 15.00-16.30 June 29, 2017
Location: DS-zaal, Smitsborg, Nettelbosje 1, 9747 AJ Groningen
Presenter: Wu Jia, promoter of international trade sent by China Council
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Two types of participation:
- offline in the Smitsborg in Zernike campus in University of Groningen where you can communicate with the key note speaker in person
- or attend online wherever you are by the link we will send to you one day before the webinar. Online interactions with the experts are possible as well.
NB: The number of online participants is 24. First come, first served.
About the topic:
Having witnessed the tremendous trade and investment growth between China and the Netherlands, Mr. Wu Jia found that many SMEs (Small and Medium size Enterprises) paid pricy lessons in starting business in foreign market, where cross-cultural issues play major role. To help audience on better understanding the most likely cultural issues lead to business failure, Mr. Wu Jia will share his experience in helping Dutch and Chinese companies in starting business in foreign market.
About the presenter:
Having studied and worked 10 years in the UK and 3 years in China, Mr. Wu Jia has been sent to Netherlands for mission of promoting trade between Netherlands and China since 2014 by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT Guangdong). Being a native Chinese and spent his years in European countries, Mr. Wu Jia has accumulated experience in helping companies from different cultural backgrounds. By facilitating trade mission, matchmaking and relation building in the past three years on the job, he is now working together with Dutch trade and investment promotion organisations on advising Chinese companies’ starting up and development in the Netherlands and Dutch companies to do business in China.

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