GCI Amsterdam Conference: China and the World after G20 Hangzhou Summit
The conference "China and the World after G20 Hangzhou Summit", organized by Groningen Confucius Institute Amsterdam in the collaboration with Business School, University of Amsterdam, has proved to be a remarkable event, which impressed the audience with very insightful speeches and inspiring panel discussion at Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam on 16th November 2016.
The conference consists of 3 opening speeches, 2 keynote speeches and a panel discussion. Scholars, entrepreneurs and politician were invited both from china and the Netherlands to share their insights into the outcomes of Hangzhou G20 summit, of which the most important one is entrepreneurship and innovation. 50 attendees from various backgrounds joined the conference and exchanged their interest and questions at the end of the panel discussion and in the followed reception.

keynote speakers and panelists (from left to right: Charlie Yechuan Hu, Founder and CEO of the Triple 3D; Jingyi Liu, Director of GCI; Yiwei Wang from education section of Chinese Embassy; Ying Zhang, Professor from RSM Erasmus University; Arnoud Boot, Professor from the University of Amsterdam; Weihuang Jin, Deputy General Manager of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China; Xuefei Cao, Director of GCI; Tsvi Vinig, Professor from the University of Amsterdam Business School)
During the kick-off speech, Mrs. Xuefei Cao, Director of GCI, pointed out that one of GCI's mission is to act as a bridge in the business field to lead to more cooperation between Chinese enterprises and their Dutch counterparts. Mr. Yiwei Wang from education section of Chinese Embassy to the Netherlands addressed the audience and shared his understanding on the reasons behind China's great economic miracle witnessed by recent decades. He said that China's economic momentum could be partly attributed to the intimate relationship and sufficient communication with the world. He believed the conference was a great opportunities for China to know the world and for the world to know China well. Professor Tsvi Vinig from University of Amsterdam Business School, reiterated the importance of entrepreneurship and innovation. He cited different data to illustrate the ongoing of mass entrepreneurship and innovation in China. Besides, he held the belief that entrepreneurship and innovation are the driving forces of economy development.

Mrs. Xuefei Cao, Director of Groningen Confucius Institute, was giving a welcoming speech

Mr. Yiwei Wang from education section of Chinese Embassy to the Netherlands was giving an opening speech

Professor Tsvi Vinig from University of Amsterdam Business School was giving an opening speech
Professor Ying Zhang, RSM Erasmus University, and Professor Arnoud Boot, University of Amsterdam, gave their in-depth interpretations in their keynote speeches from Chinese perspective and Dutch perspective respectively. They both suggested that China and the Netherlands should seek more cooperation opportunities. Professor Zhang used various data to present the rapid development of Chinese economy and her insights on the drives of the economic growth of China. And she mentioned the important role of entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as China's One Belt One Road Initititive. Professor Boot looked at the trade between China and the Netherlands from historical perspective. He emphasized that China's opening up and communication with the rest of the world have greatly contributed to the rapid economic development.

Professor Ying Zhang, RSM Erasmus University, was giving a keynote speech

Professor Arnoud Boot, University of Amsterdam, was giving a keynote speech
The conference was ended with a most interactive panel discussion about entrepreneurship and innovation, chaired by Mrs. Jingyi Liu, Director of GCI. Panelists from both China and the Netherlands, from industry and academic field, including Mr. Weihuang Jin (Deputy General Manager of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China), Professor Vinig, Professor Boot, Professor Zhang and Mr. Charlie Yechuan Hu (the CEO & co-founder of Triple 3D) contributed to a very informative and inspiring discussion on the related topics, such as the reciprocal investment between China and the rest of the world, entrepreneurial ecosystem in China, challenges and opportunities that Mass entrepreneurship could bring and how to leverage the advocacy of innovation, etc.

The panelists were having an interactive and heated discussion
For more photos of the conference.
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