GCI Established Teaching Point at Christelijk College Groevenbeek
In 2017, Groningen Confucius Institute (GCI) developed a new cooperation mode with secondary schools by establishing Teaching Point at schools to support the development of Chinese Language and Culture Program in the curriculum.
After mutual visits and half-year exploration, on Feb 8, 2017, GCI Director Mrs. Jingyi Liu and Mr. Klaas van de Groep, Principal of Christelijk College Groevenbeek (GCC) signed the cooperative agreement of the Teaching Point, ushering in a new educational cooperation mode next to GCI’s success of establishing Confucius Classrooms with Dutch schools. According to the agreement, GCI will provide support to GCC in the fields of teacher training, culture workshops as well as Chinese language education besides donating books every year to build Chinese Corner in GCC’s library.

Agreement signing by GCI Director Mrs. Jingyi Liu and Mr. Klaas van de Groep, Principal of GCC
In the evening, a Chinese New Year celebration featured an assortment of cultural performances and cultural workshops hosted by GCI teachers brought to the school great atmosphere of Chinese festival. More than 200 students and parents were happily engaged in the celebration.

Lion dance
The workshops including paper-cutting, tea ceremony, Chinese music and martial art, offered participants wonderful taste and experience to Chinese culture in different aspects. Participants demonstrated great passion and interest, which was also seen from the fully packed rooms and some participants’ reluctance to leave.

Chinese music workshop by GCI teacher Ming Wen

Chinese tea ceremony workshop by GCI teachers Lulu Lin and Jia Wang

Paper cutting workshop by GCI teacher Wenjia Xu

Chinese martial art workshop by GCI teacher Yuhui Li
(By Lulu Lin, photos by Yuhui Li, Sjaak van der Lee)
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