VCWI Celebrated 20 Years Anniversary
10 June 2017—Vereniging van Chinese Westenschappers en Ingenieurs (VCWI) hosted a grand cerebration of its 20 years anniversary in Vrije Univesiteit Amsterdam with the theme “Leadership Development Across Culture”, joined by more than 400 guests primarily consisting of students, scholars and entrepreneurs. The celebration featured keynote speeches, panel discussions and small-scale job fairs.

Groningen Confucius Institute, as a partner, contributed to the content in the celebration. Mrs. Jingyi Liu, GCI Director, participated in a panel discussion on the relationship between traditional Chinese culture and leadership improvement in this globalizing era, along with business elites. She explained the importance of cooperation, tolerance and empathy in the cross-cultural context, by quoting a line from Tao Te Ching “The highest good is like water. Water benefits all things generously without striving with them. (上善若水,水善利万物而不争)”.

(By Lulu Lin, photos by VCWI & Lulu Lin)
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