GCI Held Chinese Language Teachers Training Program
23 June, 2017-With support from Hanban (headquarter of Confucius institutes), GCI held the three-day Chinese Language Teachers Training Program in GCI Amsterdam. Experts from China and the Netherlands in the fields of Chinese language teaching and transcultural studies were convened to share their insights into pedagogies and cross-cultural education. Meanwhile, the training also fulfilled its mission to provide a platform for around 40 Chinese teachers present to communicate and share their teaching experiences.
The training program was officially initiated with welcoming speeches by GCI Director Mrs. Jingyi Liu and Mr. Yiwei Wang from education section, Chinese Embassy, the Netherlands.

GCI Director Jingyi Liu was giving a welcoming speech

Mr. Yiwei Wang was giving an opening speech
With the shared conviction that language should serve the purpose of communication, experts delivered keynote speeches on pedagogical theories and practices concerning various elements in language teaching such as grammar, vocabulary and reading. For instance, professor Mrs. Mao Yue and Mrs. Zhang Hao from Beijing Language and Culture University respectively expounded on task-based language teaching and teaching methods in delivering grammatical knowledge. Based on her teaching experience, Mrs. Marieke Havinga Scholengemeenschap Vincent van Gogh emphasized the importance of multi-intelligence in students, with which in consideration the performance of individual student could be improved.

Chinese teacher Mrs. Shichun Lin from Lorentz Lyceum was giving a speech on TPRS

Marlies Rijbroek and Chen Chen from Hogeschool Windesheim were sharing Dutch Language pedagogy for teaching Chinese

Prof. Mao Yue was giving a speech

Prof. Zhang Hao was giving a speech
Besides keynote speeches, two panel discussions were held to cast light on innovation and its effectiveness in teaching, cross-cultural competence cultivation in language learning. In the panel discussions, thought-provoking questions were raised in an interactive way, triggering heated debate among the audience.

Gwendolyn Tates, Rijnlands Lyceum Wassenaar, Meiyi Bao, University College Utrecht and Wenjia Xu from GCI were holding a panel discussion on teaching innovation

Dadi Chen, Universiteit Leiden, Marieke Havinga, Scholengemeenschap Vincent van Gogh and Jiang Wei from GCI were hosting a panel discussion on cross-cultural competence in Chinese learning
Indubitably, culture and language are intimately bounded up. Therefore, besides the language teaching parts, Professor Mr. Wang Keping from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences delivered impassioned speeches on Chinese philosophy and art, which brought the training to a new level.

Prof. Wang Keping was sharing his insights
The issuing of certificates on the third day to the participants marked the successful conclusion of this teachers training.

GCI Chinese Director Jingyi Liu, GCI Dutch Director Xuefei Cao and GCI teacher Jia Wang were issuing certificates to the participant

Training scene

Group photo of some of the participants and speakers
Check out more photos of this training:
(By Lulu Lin, photos by Yuhui Li and Lulu Lin)
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