Groningen Confucius Institute Training & Testing Center Opening Ceremony and Training Program
With the rising global demand of Chinese learning, Putonghua(Mandarin) learners and teachers are in pursuit of speaking standard Putonghua. In accordance with the new trend and requirement for teaching Chinese as a foreign language, State Language Commission of China entrusted School of Presentation Art of Communication University of China and Groningen Confucius Institute to the host of the opening ceremony of “Groningen Confucius Institute Training & Testing Center” in Lange Houtstraat 19, Nederlands Interdisciplinair Demografisch Instituut (NIDI), the Hague of the Netherlands, on 21ST of December in 2016. The upcoming training will invite experts in Putonghua teaching and testing to give keynote speeches and provide on-the-spot guidance on Putonghua pronunciation and articulation. After the establishment of the Training and Testing Center, the Center will actively promote Chinese learning, and meanwhile regularly hold keynote speeches and seminars closely related with teacher training, with the purpose of molding itself into an important platform for teaching Chinese as a foreign language and culture research.
The first Putonghua proficiency test in the Hague Training and Testing Center will be hold on 22nd of December in 2016, welcomingly inviting Chinese teachers in the Netherlands and Chinese learning fans to participate in the test. The upcoming training and testing received full support from State Language Commission of China, Communication University of China and Groningen Confucius Institute. Register the program for free. The registration quota is 20 people, on a first-come-first-served basis. Registration closes at 15th of December in 2016.
Training Agenda
Date: 21/12/2016
Location: Lange Houtstraat 19, Nederlands Interdisciplinair Demografisch Instituut (NIDI),
the Hague, the Netherlands
Host: Mrs. Jingyi Liu, Director of Groningen Confucius Institute (GCI)
9:30-10:00Sign up, snacks and drinks
10:00-10:05Welcoming speech by Mrs. Jingyi Liu, Director of Groningen Confucius Institute
10:05-10:15Speech by Mr. Qingyu Meng, Education Counselor from China Embassy in the Netherlands
10:15-10:20Unveiling ceremony started jointly by Mr. Xishuang Yao, Director General of the Education Ministry's Department of Language Planning and Administration, Counselor Qingyu Meng, Mr. Zhi Wang, Assistant President of Communication University of China, Mrs. Jingchao Lu, Dean of the School of Presentation Art of Communication University of China.
10:20-11:00Keynote speech by Mr. Xishuang Yao, Director General of the Education Ministry's Department of Language Planning and Administration
Topic: The Goals and Tasks of China Language Course the 13th Five-year Plan
11:00-12:00Keynote speech by Mrs. Jingchao Lu, Dean of the School of Presentation Art of Communication University of China
Topic: The Beauty of Recitation
13:30-14:15Speech by Professor Hongyan Li, Deputy Dean of the School of Presentation Art of University of China
Topic: Language Expression Skills for Chinese Teachers
14:15-15:00On-the-spot guidance for Putonghua (mandarin) learners
Guidance Expert: Professor Hongyan Li
15:00-15:30Tea Break
15:30-16:15Speech by Professor Shuhua Xu, Head of Putonghua Training and Testing Center of Communication University of China
Topic: Putonghua Teaching and Proficiency Test
16:15-17:00On-the-spot guidance for Putonghua pronunciation and articulation
Guidance Expert: Professor Shuhua Xu
17:00The End
Keynote Speakers
姚喜双, 国家语委教授、教育部语用司司长、国家语委普通话与文字应用培训测试中心主任、《语言文字应用》杂志主编、广播电视语言研究中心主任、中国传媒大学兼职教授、北京印刷学院兼职教授、北华大学兼职教授、国家语委咨询委员、中国语文现代化学会常务副会长、首都新闻工作者协会常务理事、中国语言学会理事、中央电视台业务指导委员会委员。 主要研究领域为广播电视语言、播音主持艺术理论、普通话水平测试研究。
徐树华,博士、美国德克萨斯A&M大学(Texas A&M University)访问学者、中国传媒大学普通话培训测试中心主任、副教授、硕士研究生导师。主要研究方向为广播电视语言传播。主讲课程包括:普通话语音与播音发声、播音主持实例分析、广播电视口语表达、汉语普通话教学与水平测试、研究方法论、专业外文资料阅读等。著有《论广播电视有声语言的诗性功能》及《播音主持语言策略》。发表论文约20篇。
(一) 读单音节字词:100个音节,不含轻声、儿化音节;限时3.5分钟 ;分值10。
(二) 读多音节词语:100个音节;限时2.5分钟;分值20
(三) 选择判断;限时3分钟;分值10。
1.词语判断(10组) ;分值2.5
3.语序或表达形式判断(5组) ;分值2.5
(四) 朗读短文:1篇,400个音节;限时4分钟;分值30
(五) 命题说话:从给定的两个话题中选定一个,连续说一段话;限时3分钟;分值30。
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