Chinese Language Teaching Webinar 2018
On June 13 and 14, Groningen Confucius Institute (GCI) successfully held two webinars about Chinese Language Teaching in GCI Amsterdam Branch (GCIA) and Zernike Campus in Groningen. Four chief speakers were invited: Prof. Anqi Ding, who works as Vice Dean of Faculty of International Chinese Culture and Vice Director of International Chinese Teachers Research and Training Center in East China Normal University, José P.M.Wichers-Bots and Trees C.M. Das Msc, Senior Lecturers from Kenniscentrum Passend Onderwijs, Fontys Hogescholen (special education training center of Fontys University of Applied Science), Tilburg as well as Oliver Moore, Director of Chinese Language and Culture Program in Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RuG). This two-day webinar is aimed at creating a great platform to introduce frontier teaching skills and explore the capacity building of teachers. Opinions were shared from different points of view, many new thoughts inspired. Around 40 teachers and specialists in total from different countries participated either on line (webinar) or on site (seminar) to join the lecture, workshop and panel discussion.
The first webinar started in the afternoon of 13 June in GCIA, as the first lecturer, Prof. Anqi Ding talked about the concept, purpose and type of class activity and she also proposed that what role the teacher should play in a class activity and what should be aware of when a class activity is designed. Through detailed illustrations and practice based on different cases, Ding shared effective methods, which gave good answers to what other teachers considered about organizing class activity in a Chinese lesson. Everyone was well engaged in and benefited a lot from Ding’s lecture.

Prof. Anqi Ding is discussing about the theory and practice of class activity design
As the specialists in Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS), also known as SWPBI (Interventions) S, José P.M.Wichers-Bots and Trees C.M. Das Msc coordinately shared this school development mode and what impact it has on Dutch schools e.g. Kandinsky College, Nijmegen. Many participants in the webinar showed great interests and felt it closely related to class management in Chinese teaching, which especially helpful to encourage Chinese learners.

Discussion on Positive Behavior Support (PBS)
The next webinar started in the morning of 14, June, Groningen, with International Chinese Classic Teaching Methodology delivered by Prof. Anqi Ding. Under Communicative Approach, Ding put emphasis on 3P (Presentation-Practice-Production) Teaching Procedure, Task-Based/Supported Teaching Procedure, and Teaching-under-Subject Method, by the illustrations of which, together with case studies, to explore pragmatic guidance for international teachers in their work.

Prof. Anqi Ding is giving a lecture on International Chinese Language Teaching Methodology
Before the end of this webinar, Ms. Jingyi Liu carried out a heat panel discussion between all the participants and specialists. Mr. Oliver Moore and Prof. Ding both expressed their thoughts on what competence an international Chinese teacher should hold and answered questions from online and offline teachers about what they experienced during their teaching.

Prof. Anqi Ding, Director Jingyi Liu and Mr. Oliver Moore are interacting with participants both online and on site.

Participants are discussing and asking lecturer questions

Participants are sharing their opinions on Chinese language class design
The webinar greatly encouraged the participants to strengthen their teaching skills. After it ended, many participants said that they hoped there would be more and more opportunities for them to together share and study the expertise of international Chinese teaching.
(By Danning Chai, photo by Afang Fang and Jingfan Xie)
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