Groningen Confucius Institute currently has three university projects.
1. Entrepreneurship in China
In this globalizing world China has become a common business partner to many companies. Many entrepreneurs like to do business with China but the big cultural differences and failures hold them back. Companies are looking for specialists with knowledge of the Chinese culture and language who can help them to discover and enter the market in China. By doing this minor Entrepreneurship in China you will enlarge your possibilities in the international business market. Finally, you can also enter the Chinese market with your own business plan!
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2. China-Europe Business Talent Honours Programme
Working together has never been so important. The European Union (EU) and People’s Republic of China are both world players. The EU is China’s biggest trading partner, while China is the EU’s largest source of imports and 2nd largest two-way trading partner. These relationships are a major source of wealth, jobs, development and innovation for both sides. The CEBT Honours Programme was developed in 2015 by the International Business School, in collaboration with the Groningen Confucius Institute. Its aim is to advance business interaction between China and Europe, through the activities and achievements of a new generation of young professionals: honours students!
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3. World Language Programme in University College Groningen
Groningen Confucius Institute has collaborated with University College Groningen to launch the World Language Programme. This programme allows interested UCG students to take Chinese language as an elective course during 3 years as part of their Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor programme. Interested students may broaden their language programme with additional academic assignments for extra credits.
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