GCI Webinar: The Combination Therapy of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine
On 22 November, Dr. Wang Mei, the founder and chairperson of The Leiden University-European Center for Chinese Medicine and Natural Compounds (LUECCM), was invited by GCI to give a webinar about the combination therapy of Chinese medicine and Western medicine, during which she gave an overview of her research reflecting her endeavours and determination to bridge the two different systems and shared her insights with examples such as the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Metabloic Syndrome, Anti-inflammatory effect of DXXK.

The one-hour lecture was followed by a 30-minute heated discussion between the speaker and participants online and offline, who exchanged their views on several topics including how to deal with the usage and dosage in formula, healthy dietary supplements, the background of combined treatment with Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and understanding endocrine dyscrasia from the Chinese and Western medicine perspective.

(by Afang Fang, photos by Wei Jiang)
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