GCI Webinar: Fundamentals of Harmonism in Chinese Heritage
Time: 12.30-14.00 June 22, 2017
Location:Room 17, Smitsborg, Nettelbosje 1, 9747 AJ Groningen
Presenter: WANG Keping is currently a fellow of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and professor of Beijing International Studies University (BISU)
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Two types of participation:
- offline in the Smitsborg in Zernike campus in University of Groningen where you can communicate with the key note speaker in person
- or attend online wherever you are by the link we will send to you one day before the webinar. Online interactions with the experts are possible as well.
NB: The number of online participants is 24. First come, first served.
About the topic:
Harmonism as a way of thinking is essentially stemmed from the concept of harmony (hé/和) as is deeply-rooted in Chinese heritage. It can be approached and illustrated in the light of nine cardinal modes at least. These modes include the cosmic, the generative, the reciprocal, the paradigmatic, the dialectic, the synthetic, the receptive, the musical, and the sentimental. They straddle a number of domains ranging from the universe to the life and art world in accord with their respective functions and orientations. As observed in the historical development of China from the past to the present, their relevant applications are chiefly embodied in such typical cases as harmonism against conflictism but for ecumenism and neo-communitarianism.
About the presenter:
WANG Keping is currently a fellow of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and professor of Beijing International Studies University (BISU). He was formerly a visiting fellow of St. Anne’s College of Oxford University, visiting professor of School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry of Sydney University, honorary member of Olympic Center for Philosophy and Culture, and vice president of International Society for Universal Dialogue (ISUD). His main publications in English and Chinese include Rediscovery of Sino-Hellenic Ideas(2016); Moral Poetics in Plato’s Laws (2015); Plato’s Poetics in the Republic (2005, rev. 2014); Reading the Dao: A Thematic Inquiry (2011); Chinese Way of Thinking (2009); Spirit of Chinese Poetics (2008); Ethos of Chinese Culture (2007); and Aesthetics in Tourism (2007, rev. 2015).

The following webinar:
➢ How to Do Business in China: Cultural Difference Between East and West in Business Practice
Time: 15.00-16.30 June 29, 2017
Location: DS-zaal, Smitsborg, Nettelbosje 1, 9747 AJ Groningen
Presenter: Wu Jia, promoter of international trade sent by China Council
For more information!
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