- Information about the registration deadline for the HSK tests taking place on 11 September
- Information about the registration deadline for the Online Chinese Test (Home Edition) taking place on 24 April
- 【互动型线上课程】“促用”显性中文语法教学:为什么?怎么教?何时教什么?
- Information about the registration deadline for the HSK and HSKK tests taking place on 20 March 2021
- Invitation – GCI Chinese New Year 2021 Online Celebration
- Information about the registration deadline for the Online Chinese Test (Home Edition) taking place on 12 December 2020
- Information about the registration deadline for the HSK and HSKK tests taking place on 17 October 2020
- Information about the registration deadline for the HSK tests taking place on 19 September 2020
- Information about the registration deadline for the Online Chinese Test (Home Edition) taking place on 28 June 2020
- 关于举办2020年第十三届“汉语桥”世界中学生中文比赛 荷兰赛区决赛的通知
- Information about the registration deadline for the HSK and HSKK tests taking place on 11 April 2020
- 格罗宁根孔子学院2020年普通话水平培训和测试项目(时间待调整)
- Information about the registration deadline for the HSK and HSKK tests taking place on 21 March 2020
- 2020 Principals' Trip to China
- Invitation – GCI Chinese New Year Celebration 2020
- Registration deadline for the HSK tests on 9 February 2020
- Registration deadline for the HSK/HSKK tests of 1 December
- Invitation to Dutch Design Week Eindhoven
- Invitation to 3NTRY China 2019
- Registration deadline for the HSK tests of 16 November
- Groningen Premiere of the documentary 'Tao - Fighting for Football in China'
- Invitation to GCI lectures
- Invitation to Chinese Festival 2019
- China Business Week 10 till 13 September 2019
- Registration deadline for the HSK tests of 13 October
- Registration deadline for the HSKK tests of 13 October
- Registration deadline for the HSK tests of 22 September
- 格罗宁根孔子学院2019年中文教师培训项目邀请
- Registration deadline for the HSK tests of 16 June
- Registration deadline for HSK and HSKK tests on 23 March
- Invitation to Chinese New Year celebration 2019(the event is full)
- Registration deadline for HSK and HSKK tests on 12 January
- Invitation to the Biobased Transition:Opportunities and chances for Sino Dutch cooperation's
- Registration deadline for HSK and HSKK tests on 2 December
- Registration deadline for HSK tests on 10 November
- Invitation to ADE China Pavilion 2018
- Invitation to Chinese Festival 2018
- Registration deadline for HSK and HSKK tests on 14 October
- Registration deadline for HSK tests on 16 September
- Invitation to Chinese Language Teacher Training Program 2018
- Invitation to GCI Webinars on Chinese Language Teaching
- Registration deadline for HSK tests on 10 June
- Summer Camp 2018 registration is open
- Registration deadline for HSKK tests on 19 May
- 2018年荷兰中学生中文比赛暨第十一届“汉语桥”世界中学生中文比赛荷兰区预赛通知
- 2018 Chinese Bridge Competition for Dutch Secondary School Students
- Invitation to GCI Exhibition: Revisiting Ancient Chinese Painting and Calligraphy
- Registration deadline for HSK tests on 22 April
- Invitation to Teachers Salon 2018
- Online registration for our February courses is now open!
- Invitation Chinese New Year celebration GCIA
- Registration deadline for HSK and HSKK tests on 24 March
- Invitation to Chinese New Year celebration
- Our office will be closed for the Christmas Holidays from 25-12-2017 until 1-1-2018
- 荷兰格罗宁根孔子学院2017年普通话水平培训和测试通知
- Registration deadline for HSK tests on 20 January, 2018
- GCI Webinar: China and the World
- 格罗宁根孔子学院“中国哲学智慧”系列讲座邀请
- HSK 2018 test schedule
- GCI Webinar: The Combination Therapy of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine
- Exchange Café evenings in Duisenberg Building at Zernike Campus
- HSK tests of November 11 at Christelijk College Groevenbeek
- Book donation ceremony of GCI Teaching Point at Christelijk College Groevenbeek
- Registration deadline for HSK and HSKK tests on 3 December
- Invitation to ADE China Pavilion
- Invitation to Making Chinese Characters Workshop for Children
- Seminar on Sino-Dutch cross culture communication
- Chinese music performance for the Senioren Academie Sociëteit Groningen
- Registration for HSK tests on 11 November
- Invitation to China-Europe Relations Conference
- Chinese Festival 2017
- Invitation celebration 1 year anniversary GCIA
- At the moment we don't have HSK 1 text- and workbooks in stock in Groningen
- Invitation to the recording of the Chinese TV public lecture program in Rotterdam on September 13th. 2017
- Opening Ceremony of the Confucius Classroom at PCC Het Lyceum in Alkmaar
- GCI Webinar: How to Do Business in China: Cultural Difference Between East and West in Business Practice
- GCI Webinar: Confucius and Plato on Music Education
- Chinese Language Teachers Training Program
- GCI Webinar: Fundamentals of Harmonism in Chinese Heritage
- GCI Webinar: Chinese Publishing Business
- GCI Series Webinars in June: Understanding China
- Chinese Martial Arts Workshop at CS Vincent van Gogh
- 2017 Summer Camp Information Evening
- HSK & HSKK Tests
- Chinese Cultural Day
- Chinese Music Workshop at CS Vincent van Gogh
- China-Europe Business Talent Honours Programme Information Session
- Tailored Chinese Tea Workshop for ICBC Amsterdam
- Pub Quiz Night: It is all about China
- GCI Workshops at Kandinsky College Activity Day
- Opening Ceremony of the Confucius Classroom at Rijnlands Lyceum Wassenaar
- 荷兰汉语教师沙龙活动-中文教学与荷兰文化的碰撞
- GCI Workshops at Kandinsky College Open Day
- Groningen Confucius Institute Training & Testing Center Opening Ceremony and Training Program
- The Little Snowman
- 主讲嘉宾:刘克雄教授
- "GCI Amsterdam Conference: China and the World after the Hangzhou G20 Summit"
- Chinese language courses starting in September
- Opening ceremony
- Seminar on Teaching Chinese for Beginners
- Summer Camp 2016
- Overseas Chinese Teachers Training Program
- Chinese teachers' evening
- Serene Moon Lecture-Recital by Jiaoyue Lyu
© 2025 Groningen Confucius Institute
Privacy statementGroningen Confucius Institute
Oude Boteringestraat 42
9712 GL Groningen
tel. +31 (0)50 - 36 34 688