Invitation to GCI Webinars on Chinese Language Teaching
GCI will organize two webinars on Chinese Language Teaching on 13 and 14 June 2018 (Wednesday & Thursday) in Amsterdam and Groningen respectively, for which experts on Chinese teaching, teacher training and Positive Behavior Support are invited to present and discuss with the participants. You are cordially invited to participate in the webinars either online or offline.
13:00-17:00, 13 June (Wednesday)
09:00-12:30, 14 June (Thursday)
13 June: Groningen Confucius Institute Amsterdam Branch
(Herengracht 141, 1015 BH Amsterdam) -
14 June: DS-zaal, Smitsborg, Nettelbosje 1, 9747 AJ Groningen
Number of Participants:
13 June in Amsterdam: offline seats: 30; online seats: 24.
14 June in Groningen: offline seats: 100; online seats: 24.
First come, first served.
Please register here to save seats.
(Registration deadline: June 11, 2018)
If you choose to attend online, a Bluejeans link will be sent to you one day before the webinar.
13 June (13:00-17:00, Amsterdam)
- 13:00-14:45 Topic: The Theory and Practice of Classroom Activities Design
Prof. Anqi Ding, East China Normal University
- 15:00-17:00 Topic: The Introduction and Application of Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support
José P.M. Wichers-Bots, Fontys Hogescholen
Trees C.M. Das MSc, Fontys Hogescholen
14 June (09:00-12:10, Groningen)
- 09:00-10:30 Topic: Classic International Chinese Language Teaching Methodology
Prof. Anqi Ding, East China Normal University
- 10:40-12:10 Panel Discussion:
The Competence Structure and Training of Chinese Language Teachers
Special Guests:
Prof. Anqi Ding, East China Normal University
Dr. Jingyi Liu, Groningen Confucius Institute
Prof. Oliver Moore, The University of Groningen
Oliver Moore教授(格罗宁根大学)
Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Anqi Ding

Professor and Vice Dean at Faculty of International Chinese Culture; Vice Director of International Chinese Teachers Research and Training Center, East China Normal University. Previously she took the role of Chinese Director in Nuremberg Confucius Institute. She has been to America, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea etc. to give lectures for many times. Additionally, she used to take the responsibility of writing National Chinese Syllabus for Primary and Secondary Schools for the Ministry of Education of South Africa, Tanzania, ect. Chiefly editing several volumes of TCSL textbooks, as well as My Notebook on Class Activity Design I, II & III, she has primarily focused her research on Secondary Language Acquisition and International Chinese Education. Up until now, she has been offering many courses including International Chinese Class Management, International Chinese Teaching Design to master students in Teaching Chinese As a Second Language.
About her topics:
The Theory and Practice of Classroom Activities Design
According to the research findings from Theory of Multiple Intelligence (Gardner, 1983) and Cone of Learning (Edgar Dale, 1946), organizing class activities is of vital importance to improving students’ performance. Therefore, it is also one important aspect of a teacher’s teaching competence to effectively organize class activities. In this lecture, the methods and techniques in organizing class activities will be highlighted through explaining and demonstrating various types of cases on organizing class activities.
Classic International Chinese Language Teaching Methodology
When it comes to Secondary Language Teaching Methodology, there are numerous schools with diverse features. In this lecture, according to the concept of Communicative Approach, we will put emphasis on 3P (Presentation-Practice-Production) Teaching Procedure, Task-Based/Supported Teaching Procedure, and Teaching-under-Subject Method, by the illustrations of which, together with case studies, we will discover pragmatic guidance for our teaching practice.
José P.M. Wichers-Bots

José .P.M. Wichers-Bots, MSc, Senior Lecturer, SWPBS trainer and coach, Teacher Training Center for Special Education at Fontys University of Applied Science, Tilburg. She is also the project manager of Fontys Knowledge Center of Inclusive Education and member of the National ‘Geschillencommissie Passend Onderwijs’.
Trees C.M. Das MSc

Trees C.M. Das MSc, SWPBS trainer and coach, coordinator SWPBS training and coaching, Senior Lecturer at Teacher Training Center for Special Education at Fontys University of Applied Science, Tilburg. She is also a member of the Dutch SWPIBS team: SWPBS-team NL.
About their topic:
During the workshop "Introduction SWPBS", we explain the framework of SWPBS using the five pillars:
- Working schoolwide based on shared values
- Prevention is key: prevent problem behavior as much as possible
- Positive approach: to strengthen and reward expected behavior on the basis of clear, unambiguous expectations regarding behavior
- Work systematically based on data
- Partnership with parents and cooperation with the entire healthcare sector
We demonstrate what the effect of the implementation of PBS in schools is and let the participants experience what the effect of a positive approach truly entails.
Dr. Jingyi Liu

Chinese Director of Groningen Confucius Institute (GCI), Associate Professor at Communication University of China. She holds a Master’s degree in Cultural Philosophy and PhD in Communication. She was the Research Director of Panmedia Institute, China’s first Media Think Tank and conducted research for two years respectively in Media Economics and Political Marketing Strategies at Michigan State University in the U.S. before joining GCI in 2012. In capacity of the Editor-in-Chief and co-publisher, she launched the English journal Global China Insights in 2013 in Groningen, the Netherlands. Besides, she has rich publications in media marketing, media and culture. Based on her research later on and her first hand experience on cross-culture communication and cross-cultural leadership, she advocates cultural intelligence (CQ) assessment and development in international team and specializing in Sino-Dutch communication and team building. She is a certified trainer and facilitator of CQ Development from Culture Intelligence Center of the U.S.
Prof. Oliver Moore

Professor of Chinese Language and Culture at the University of Groningen. He studied Chinese at SOAS University of London and Fudan University (Shanghai). His PhD dissertation is a social history of Tang and Five Dynasties’ civil service examinations. He has worked at the British Museum, Leiden University and Kyoto University, and the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden. His interests cover the history, art history, sociology and international relations of early and modern China. His forthcoming book is a study of China’s history of photography.
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