GCI book donation ceremony at Christelijk College Groevenbeek Ermelo
On October 31, Christelijk College Groevenbeek Ermelo held a book donation ceremony to introduce the Chinese books from GCI to the students. As a support to the Chinese program of GCI’s teaching points, GCI will donate a 1000-euro worth of Chinese language and culture books every year to each school, to help setting up a Chinese Corner in the library for students. Both GCI Chinese Director Mrs. Jingyi Liu and Principal of Christelijk College Groevenbeek Mr. Klaas van de Groep gave speeches to review the rewarding cooperation and together look forward to the future development of the Chinese subject in the school.

Principal Mr. Klaas van de Groep was introducing Chinese books

Mrs. Jingyi Liu and Mr. Klaas van de Groep were looking forward to future cooperation
This ceremony also had a special moment to congratulate the students who have successfully obtain the HSK (Chinese proficiency test) 1 certificates. Mrs. Jingyi Liu issued the certificates to these students who are the first ones of the school to take the test: Merel van Meerveld, Paula Brusse and Yara van Donkersgoed.

Mrs. Jingyi Liu was issuing the HSK certificates
Christelijk College Groevenbeek currently has more than 100 students learning Chinese; the school offers Chinese to VWO, HAVO and VMBO students. On November 11, there will be 34 more students from this school to take HSK 1 and 2 tests.
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